My Last Four Paw Hoo-Rah

This past weekend my parents, my brother Grizzly, and I all made the trek north to my favorite place…DULUTH!  It was such a awesome time!  We spent the weekend at a wonderful place called Barker’s Island, just over the bridge in Superior.  I must admit, the whole idea of sharing one big house with a bunch of other people and dogs is a very strange concept for me!  Luckily the snowstorm the day before scared most of them away so I didn’t get in too much trouble for being “woofy” as my mom likes to call it!  But it was fun nonetheless and I am so happy that my parents brought me along for the trip!

On Saturday we got to go to my FAVORITE spot on the planet…the Lakewalk!  I was even able to veer off the paved path and go down my secret trail to the water’s (well, technically the ice’s) edge!  It was amazing!  My mom was being a little ridiculous with the pictures taking though!  “Just one more” she’d say…Yeah…Whatever mom!  While we were getting ready to head back to the hotel, I got one of the best surprises ever!  My boyfriend Moose and his mom Tiffany stopped by and I got to sneak in a few kisses.  I swear that dog thinks he is a Great Dane or something…he fears nothing!

My parents scheduled my amputation for next Monday, April 14th so they dubbed the trip to Duluth “My Last Four Paw Hoo-Rah”.  Pretty clever, eh?  We are spending most of this week just being together with one another.  My dad and mom are doing ok with the whole thing and each has their moments throughout the day where they get a little teary eyed.  I do my best to assure them that I am their “tough chick” and that everything will be A-O-K!  I actually get to go out of town on Friday night to attend my Auntie’s baby shower!  Ok, so I didn’t really get an invite, I am just along for the ride because we will be leaving my brother there so he can begin his 2-week vacation.  I am sure he will have a great time being showered with all the love and attention that my Auntie and Uncle will give him.  Hopefully he can get over his irrational fear of cats though…how embarassing!  We are German Shepherds for goodness sake…trained to chase criminals, not cower in front of cats!

So as my surgery approaches, please keep me and my family in your thoughts and/or prayers!  This is going to be one of the toughest things we have ever had to go through, but together we can get through anything!  I just know it!  And thanks again for all the well wishes, prayers, and kind words so far!  They’ve helped my mom more than you know!



P.S. I made my mom promise to keep everyone updated on here while I am recovering so stay tuned folks!  Apparently they don’t allow electronic devices in the recovery room…what a buzzkill!


Shot gun…it’s how I roll.  And yes, I am 80 lbs and I STILL sit on my mom’s lap sometimes!

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On the Lakewalk with my mom and brother!

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Me and my boyfriend Moose sharing kisses!

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Taking in the view with my dad and brother!

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Sunrise over Lake Superior…Nothing like it!  Life is GOOD!

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3 thoughts on “My Last Four Paw Hoo-Rah”

  1. What a great adventure you got to have! It looks like you had the time of your life! Don’t worry… you will do amazing following your surgery! You are going to be sore and tired.. so tell you mom and dad to smother you with love and help you rest/recover 🙂

    Good luck!

    Cody and Family

  2. HooooRah! Oh my gosh Belle, I wish we could have been there with you on your last quadpawd romp, what a blast. Geez we love it where you live, makes me want to go back.

    OK remember what I said: GSDs RULE. You will be A-OK on three legs, nopawdy will even notice you’re missing one ’cause you are so gorgeous and strong and stunning that one less leg is nothing compared to all of the goodness you bring into this world.

    Please please please keep us posted OK? We are thinking of you and sending sooooo much love your way.

    P.S. Tell your brudda I was afeard of cats too, got attacked once by kittens and I was never the same. I know, crazy for a GSD to be like that huh?

  3. Yo beautiful Miss Belle! Wish we coulda been there too, we love the sno! Tell your mama not to worry ’bout a thing, you are gonna ROCK this 3-legged gig. Me and the Oaktown Pack will be sending you all our strength on the big day.

    OK, I gotta say it, what the heck is a good lookin’ GSD grrrldawg like you doin’ goin’ out with a FRENCHY?????

    Travis Ray (a REAL boydog)

    p.s. the Oaktown Pack is three rear-leg amp GSDs and one 4-legged mutt….

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