Hello, My Name is Belle

Hello Everyone!  My name is Belle and I am a 5 year old female German Shepherd.  Minnesota is my home where I live with my dad, my mom, and my brother from another Shepherd mother, Grizzly.  I enjoy playing snowball with my dad, lounging with my mom, going on the lake walk in Duluth, and last but certainly not least…MEAT.  I LOVE MEAT.  Steak, venison, ground beef, hotdogs…you name it, I eat it!

Last September my dad and mom noticed that I was starting to limp and when it wasn’t getting better, they got concerned and brought me to the vet.  The x-rays revealed that I had a mass growing in my upper left armpit and I had to be referred to Blue Pearl Veterinary Services.  Turns out I had Calcinosis Circumscripta which was basically a bone crystalization growing in my armpit.  Just after Thanksgiving, I went in for surgery with my good friend Dr. Hadley to remove the mass.  It was a long, difficult surgery and Dr. Hadley did her best to remove all of the mass that she could.  Of course, we knew there were no guarantees and so we started the recovery and hoped for the best!  My brother got shipped off to our other father and mother’s for a week and then to our uncle and auntie’s house for a week while dad, mom, and I slept on a mattress in the middle of the kitchen.  For those of you who don’t know me, the bed upstairs is really mine, I just let my parents sleep there!  So I appreciated their kind gesture to sleep in the kitchen with me since I was not allowed to use the stairs in order to get to the bedroom!

Dr. Hadley said that my new normal would probably be a gait that was a little different than I was accustomed to, but that was no big deal to me.  You see, I’m a tough chick, I can hang with the best of them!  But during the last few weeks my mom and dad noticed that my limp was fluctuating between slight and serious depending on the day.  When my mom got home from work last Thursday night she decided that it was time to take me in.  We met my new friend Dr. Feldsien on Friday morning, but unfortunately we received the news that we were dreading to hear.  The Calcinosis Circumscripta was back and the de-bulking that we did in November was not an option this time around.  Therefore, my parents were faced with two difficult choices…either have my front left leg amputated or put me down.

They spent Friday and Saturday doing some major soul searching and internet research and let me tell you, there were lots and lots of tears!  It was all very confusing to me but I did my best to let them know that it was going to be ok!  You see, they love me so much that they wanted to take the time to really weigh out the options and truly consider what was best for me.  After some careful consideration, they came to the conclusion that I am one of the toughest dogs that they have ever known and that if other dogs can make it on three legs then I could too!  They felt as though I deserved the chance to try and that if I was willing to fight the good fight then they would be right there alongside me fighting too.

So, right now we are working to get some of our final questions answered before we go ahead and schedule the surgery to amputate my left leg.  We are hoping to have the procedure within the next 2-3 weeks.  Any suggestions/thoughts/prayers/well wishes are appreciated as we travel down this difficult and unfamiliar road together.  My mom will do her best to keep everyone updated on my very own blog page so that all my friends can follow my progress.  Thanks again for your love and support!



On the Lake Walk with my dad in Duluth!


Going up North with my brother Grizzly!

Day AFter San Fran 053

Just hanging with my mom!

Day AFter San Fran 045

After my first surgery!

12-28-2013 117



5 thoughts on “Hello, My Name is Belle”

  1. Hi Belle,

    Thanks for letting us know how you’re doing. You are a tough chick and I’m sure you’ll sail through this with flying colors. All your friends in Superior/Duluth will be praying for you – especially me! When this is all over, I’ll sneak you a little Culver’s treat when your parents aren’t looking. 🙂

    I love you!

  2. OH BELLE! You are one amazing lady. Let me tell you something OK, one GSD to another:

    We are INDESTRUCTIBLE DAWGS! There are no dawgs ruffer or tuffer or better at recovering than we are, paws down. So our leg gets chopped off, big deal, just MOVE ON and BE MORE DAWG, right? You are a GSD, it’s in your genes, you will recover and bounce back like nopawdy’s bidness.

    I’ve been a Tripawd for FOUR YEARS and nothing stops me. I know it will be the same for you. Check out my pals the Oaktown Pack (http://codierae.tripawds.com/) you’ll see what I mean.

    Good luck with surgery my dear, we’ll be waiting with some MEATY BONES when you come out of the drug induced purple elephant visions! xoxoxo

  3. Hey Belle, you sure have one good lookin pack. I know this is really scary for your people but for us dawgs, we do great! I was a front left Tripawd too, and boy let me tell you, life was still great when I lost that bum leg. I’m sorry you’re losing yours but things are gonna be OK, promise.

    We’re really glad you started a blog, but please come to the Forums too, where you’ll find fast help from others. Our “Beyond Cancer” forum is the first place to start:

    Another great place: our ebooks. Have you seen them?

    We have so many great tips and lots of wonderful people here. You’re in great hands and paws. By the way, Duluth ROCKS. My people and I visited when I did my round-the-U.S.-tour after I got diagnosed with cancer. We camped our RV on the marina in the port and watched the ships go by, I will never forget it, you’re so lucky to live there.

    Keep us posted pretty girl, we are sending lots of love and pawsitivity your way.

  4. Belle, you are indeed BELLE OF THE BALL!! You are a beautiful girl! And Grizzly’s a find looking fella’ too!

    I kow this is such a scary time for your humans…for you…just another day of bliss, not worrying about a thing!

    Belle really, really will do well on three legs. Now, make no mistake about it, this IS major surgery and recovery is no picnic. Just remember, you are dping this FOR Belle and not TO Belle!

    She’s already used to hopping on three legs so that’ll give her a head start. AND, all her pain will be gone!!

    You are not alone in this, okay? We understand. Your love for yor Belle is pure and strong…you all make a great team!!

    Sending love and support!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5. My Dearest Belle,

    I have read your blog multiple times. It totally comes to life!

    I have never met your dad, but he sure is lucky to have married your beautiful mother! I work with her at Honeywell. ADORE the woman. Yep, I do. 🙂

    You are worth the fight. Grizzly would be so lost without you. I know you will be just fine.

    This has been hard on your parents, but they are, hands down, making the right decision.

    You are a beautiful, beautiful dog. I can’t stop looking at your pictures.

    Our baby dog, Oliver, has gifts for you and Grizzly. We will get them to your mom next weekend. According to Oliver, we are leaving to get more shortly. He has been waiting very patiently for another trip to PetSmart. 🙂

    I will be thinking of you non-stop over the next few days, and stalking your mom about your progress.

    Good luck, Belle. You are tough- you will be fine. And…. you have everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, praying for you, and thinking of you.

    With much love,


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